Saturday, November 27, 2010

she wants to know..

for it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart..
it was not my lips you kissed, but my soul..

I have a bit of a love situation that I'm trying to figure out here.. I'm really confused..
I don't know what to do.. I can't believe what i heard from your mouth today.. your words is the main thought going on in my mind for every sec..i hate the truth especially the ugly truth! I've trying really hard to be a mature adult in here..  Did I over-react? seriously i really don't know.. Right now, I feel so weak..  it's never hit me this hard and down before.. how could i hold this relationship until we celebrate our 2 years anniversary..

"he doesn't deserve me."
i know that that's what my friends and ever my parents been telling me for months after happen the unhappy incident.. he wasn't any good for me.. he hurt me,  he made me happy for such a short time, and even then it was full of ups and downs.. sometimes i will ask myself should i let you go on that time? maybe i wont hurt that deeply now..

Eventhough love sometimes hurt really badly but we still need to get through it.. Love is like a movie – you cannot dislike a wonderful movie with a bad ending – it’s just not possible to feel sad and angry about the bad ending if the rest of the movie felt like a dream..
baby just tell me i worth for it..